Significance of Nakshatra Vana:

  • [ ‘NAKSHATRA’ – Stars (27), ‘VANA’ – Garden]
  • Each and every person born on earth will (have to) belong to any one of these 27 stars. If you have the exact time of birth, it can easily be traced down by any astologer. Now each tree here corresponds to that particular star.


  • Each and every person born on earth will (have to) belong to any one of these 27 stars. If you have the exact time of birth, it can easily be traced down by any astologer. Now each tree here corresponds to that particular star.
  • So the presence of the complete set of 27 trees directly creates a healthy and sound physical, mental, psychological and spiritual beings. Which is the ultimate and absolute bliss to oneself and to the earth too.
S. NoBirth StarBotanical NameCommon Name
1AshwiniStrychnos nux vomicaPoison nut
2BharaniEmbilica officionalisAmla
3KrithikaFicus racemosaFig
4RohiniSyzygium jambolanumJamoon
5MrugasiraAcacia catechuKadhira
6ArudraAquilaria agallochaAgar Wood
8PushyamiFicus religiosaPeepal
9AsleshaMesua ferreaNaga Champa
10MakhaFicus bengalensisBanyan
11PubbaButea monospermaFlame of the forest
12UttaraFicus infectoriaJuvvi
13HasthaSpondias mangiferaWild mango
14ChittaAegle marmelosBilva
15SwathiTerminalia arjunaArjun
16VisakhaLimonium acidissimumElephant apple
17AnuradhaMimusops elengiBakul
19MoolaCanarium strictumBlack dammar
20PurvashadaSaraca indicaSita Asoka
21UttarashadaArtocarpus heterophyllusJack
22SravanaCalotropis gigantiaMilk weed
23DhanishtaAcacia ferrugineaShami
24SatabhishaAnthocephalus cadabaKadamba
25PurvabhadraAzardirachta indicaNeem
26UttarabhadraMangifera indicaMango
27RevathiMadhuca indicaIppe

Butea monosperma – Flame of the Forest:

  • Parts used – Bark, leaves, flowers, seeds, gum.
  • Uses – Flatulence (gas), Colic, Cough, Diuretic (promotes flow of urine), Snake bite, Skin diseases, Herpes (inflammation of skin with clusters of deep seated vesicles), Epilepsy (Chronic nervous disorder with attacks of unconsciousness and convulsions), Arthritis (Inflammation of joints), Piles, Constipation, Diabetes, Ringworm, Inflammation.
1) Ashwini Nakshatra – Poison nut.
2) Bharani Nakshatra – Amla.
3) Krithika – Cluster fig.
4) Rohini – Jamoon.
5) Mrigasira – Kadhira.
6) Arudra – Agar Wood.
7) Punarvasu – Bamboo.
8) Pushyami – Peepal.
9) Aslesha – Naga Champa.
10) Makha – Banyan
11) Purva Phalguni – Flame of the forest
12) Uttara Phalguni – Juvvi
13) Hastha – Wild mango
14) Chitha – Bilva
15) Swathi – Arjun
16) Visakha – Elephant apple
17) Anuradha – Bakul
18) Jyesta – Pine
19) Moola – Black Dammar
20) Purvashada – Sita Asoka
21) Uttarashada – Jack
22) Shravana – Milk weed
23) Danishta – Shami
24) Sathabisham – Kadamba
25) Purvabhadra – Neem
26) Uttarabhadra – Mango
27) Revathi – Ippe