Significance of Saptharishi Vana:

  • [ ‘SAPTHA’- Seven, ‘RISHI’- Sages, ‘VANA’-Garden]
  • These seven varieties of leaves and flowers represent the saptha rishis i.e., the seven sages. They are Kasyapa, Athri, Bharadwaja, Vishwamithra, Gowtama, Jamadagni and Vasista along with his wife Arundathi. We can watch these 7 + 1 stars in the sky.


  • In Indian culture the newly wed couple were shown these stars especially the Vasista and Arundathi stars and get blessings from them for a smooth and blissful married life. So presence of all these plants and trees in our locality rectifies and builds up a strong and happy bondage between wife and husband.
  • So the presence of the complete set of 27 trees directly creates a healthy and sound physical, mental, psychological and spiritual beings. Which is the ultimate and absolute bliss to oneself and to the earth too.


S NoRishi NameBotanical NameCommon Name
1KashyapaTulasiLinum Vitissimum
2AthriSesbania GrandifloraNymphea alba
3BharadwajaAchyranthus asperaAreca catechu
4VishwamithraAegle marmelosHemidesmus indicus
5GouthamaDatura albaJasminum pubescens
6JamadagniCynodon dactylonJasminum angustifolium
7VashistaAcacia ferrugineaTulsi

Datura alba – Ummetha:

  • Parts used – Whole plant.
  • Uses – Asthma, Malaria, Heart disorders, Earache, Impotency, Baldness, Whooping cough.
  1. Kashyapa Muni:

2. Athri Muni

3. Bharadwaja Muni:

4. Vishwamithra:

5. Gautama Muni:

6. Jamadagni Muni:

7. Vasista Muni: