Significance of Shiva Panchayatana Vana:

  • [‘PANCHABHUTA VANAM’ – ‘PANCHA’ – Five, ‘BHUTAS’ – Elements]
    (i.e. Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Sky)
  • These trees and plants are mentioned in a sacred book called ‘Purana Chudamani’ – These set of five trees and plants represent the five basic elements and their respective Gods and Godesses.
  • These trees should be planted in particular directions only.


  • The presence of these trees not only balances the five elements with which we are made but also the environment in which they are present and gives the ultimate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual results to us as well as to the earth.


S NoDeity NameBotanical NameCommon Name
1Shiva – Space – CenterAegle marmelosLeucas aspera
2Vishnu – Water – NEFicus religiosaTulsi
3Sun – Fire – SENerium odorumCalotropis gigantea
4Ganesha – Earth – SWAcacia catechuCynodon dactylon
5Ambika – Air – NWSaraca indicaClitoria ternacea

Aegle marmelos – holy fruit tree:

  • Parts used – root, bark, leaf, seed.
  • Uses – Diarrhoea, Constipation, Worms, Skin diseases, Cardiac diseases, High B.P, Jaundice, Joint pains, Leprosy, Leucoderma (loss of pigment of skin), Opthalmia (conjuctivities), Piles (inflammation of veins in rectal region), Diabetes, Aphrodisiac (stimulates sexual desire).

1. Ganesha:

2. Vishnu:


4. Ambika:
